pace in endurance
April Hammer steele@mwonline.net
I have competed in competetive distance events for the past 3 years, completing several 50s. My horse maintains well, and when shoed correctly is sound. My question is: When I begin to enter endurance events, how do I choose a pace? I condition mostly at a trot with intervals of loping, but not for long periods of time. When I see the completion times in endurance events, I am often amazed. Am I just not trusting my horse? Should I ask for a little more? I know he's ready for more, but I seem to be the one holdng us back. Help!!! I do have a heart monitor and understand cardiac recovery. I also understand that I need to watch him metabolically and make sure he's eating. Are there any other clues, on the trail, to warn me that I may be pushing too hard? Thanks for the advice. April ps. I live in central Illinois, so trail is not too hilly or tough (compared to Mountains)
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