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Just in case you find HAPPY99.EXE

Hi folks: you may wish to print these instructions out and save them for
yourself or a friend in need. steven

And now for today's tip...

Some readers pointed out that happy99.exe writes its own file
(liste.ska) containing the e-mail addresses of each person to whom it
sent itself. They suggested that those who find they have Happy99.exe
could do their friends a favor by using this file to alert them of the
problem. So here is a revised version of the removal instructions:

Go to Start, Shut Down, and select Restart In MS-DOS Mode. Then you
can safely:

1. Delete the files ska.exe, ska.dll, liste.ska, and wsock32.dll from
the \Windows\System folder/directory (but first see the note about
liste.ska below).
2. Rename the file wsock32.ska to wsock32.dll and reboot (wsock32.ska
is a backup copy of your original wsock32.dll).
3. Delete the source of the problem, happy99.exe.
4. Regarding liste.ska: Before deleting this file, you can open it
with the Windows NotePad utility program to find a list of those sent
the worm. You can then notify them of the problem.

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