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Re: RC: Re: nutrition for young horses

In a message dated 4/2/00 8:39:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

> I'm still trying to figure out what 
>  happened in Qatar. That one-rat-research suggests that we need big, skinny 
>  horses with not an ounce of fat on their bodies. If it proves to be true, 
> m 
>  going to have to rethink everything. At this point, I'm researching, and 
>  evidence coming in seems to point in that direction.


Could it be,  that for the type of racing in Quatar, the preferred horse is 
going to be the lean, mean racing machine. Due to the speed,  the footing, 
the easy accessability to the VC's, i.e. the ability to give the horse food 
and water, carbo charge, & lytes often. I haven't been there, but my 
impression is that Middle East racing is track racing but a longer distance.  
American endurance racing is so much more, the varied terrain, our VC's are 
anywhere from 10-24 miles apart, varying from race to race.  One race in the 
SE can be hot & humid, another in the SW could be dry & arrid, with lots of 

Whatever the reasons, Tom,  I'd sure be interested in your research. 


Jackie Baker
AERC # 15265

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