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Re: Yosemite

Well, George Cardinet, our President just received a fax from Superintendent David Mihalic and he suggested that we form the statements about what we want included in the Plan and submit it now.  We do not have our requests in the Plan (Amazing because we heretofore submitted it, but it is a whole new ball game and we must resubmit.) Forward to me what you would like to see.  From your statement, we need campsites so we do not have to trailer in and unload and remove trailers to 50 miles out of the park for a days ride.  We agree. We want campsite to accommodate the horses so we can ride those 800 miles of trails.  Submit any requests, in brief to me and we will forward.  This Sup seems to be on our side.

At 09:54 AM 3/28/00 -0800, you wrote:

I read your note on ridecamp and also read about the plan in our local
newspaper.  My first thoughts were about trailering horses into the park and
if it would continue to be allowed.  In your letter you stated that letter
writing wasn't enough.  What else do you suggest as I have written letters
in the past.

Marci Cunningham
Bakersfield CA

Nancy DuPont, Executive Director
Heritage Trails
1350 Castle Rock Road
Walnut Creek, CA 94598

Our Mission: To preserve and protect trails and answer the question, "Where are you going to ride your horses, and where are you going to keep them."
Telephone (925)937-7661 FAX (925) 943-7431

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