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a horse's 1st solo voyage
Helllllllllllllllllllllllo Ridecampers....
I hope you're having a nice weekend....though it may be too soon to tell,
considering it is just Saturday morning, at 8 o'clock....unless you live on
the other side of the country (OR WORLD)...then you are a little further into
the weekend.
Well, yesturday was definetely a significant training ride for me and Ms
Sere.....not because we did lots of hill work or because we did the loop in
record time....but because it was her first voyage out on the trail ALL BY
HERSELF!!!! I am so proud of her. She is really starting to be Ol' Reliable.
We didn't go more than a few miles....but that's not the point....we're
taking babysteps.
Once I got her on to the trail, I walked her for just a little while...to
make sure she was okay with everything...and once I saw that her ears were
laid flat to the sides and her eyes were half closed (as they usually are), I
mounted up and rode for a while. Then, once the road forked.....we turned
around and went back.....and there weren't any horse eating monsters
eitehr.....are you catching all this??? There is going to be a quiz following
the lesson....
Anyways, my story isn't very action packed....which is good...
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