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Re: DanceLine
I rode my first endurance ride in 1975, the third annual Trinity 50
miler----I was young---I had a Mustang mare whom I conitioned really hard.
I had no idea what i was doing. I didn't know anything about heart rates
and recoveries, capillary refill and tissue turgor, gut sounds, drinking,
electrolytes---and as someone earlier pointed out--- the vets were still
learning too. I had no pit crew. I came in 7th place out of 90 or so
horses. It was a cold ride--snow on the mountain. My mare did great I
thought, until I realized how sore and tired and chilled she was after that
ride---all I could think to do was blanket her and watch---she was eating
and drinking, the next day she could hardly walk she was so stiff. My heart
just broke---I had bottle fed that mare after all. She ended up being OK,
but it took her a long time to fully recover---i learned my lesson to take
care with my horse who always gave me her best---at least for 31 years she
did! ANd I still remember to always take care with my horses.
That same year I assisted a vet on an endurance ride---hot ride---two horses
died on that ride. I didn't do endurance ever again after that---it was
pretty traumatic watching horses crash. I have ridden a lot of CTR's since
then---and may venture out for a back of the pack endurance ride some day.
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