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Re: exhausted horses (re: Dance Line)

sounds like a great plan...then after a few slow 25's....maybe you'd feel
like trying a slow fifty....and when you find out how much fun that is then
maybe you'd want to ,over a period of several rides...increase your
speed...always testing the'll probably decide to try
100...or a couple of multiday then you've really gotten to know
your horse...inside and out!  how's the gopher vacuuming coming
----- Original Message -----
From: Michelle Rowe <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2000 3:38 PM
Subject: RC: exhausted horses (re: Dance Line)

> I was looking for resources on exhausted horses and recognizing the
> and found the good old AERC handbook has a nice section on it.  Thought I
> would send the link in case anyone else is interested.
> I had planned two years minimally of NATRC with my young horses (coming 5
> and 6) before trying an AERC ride, just to learn what the horses are like
> under stress and out on the trail in a more controlled setting.  Then I'd
> like to try slow 25's under AERC when the horses are fitter & seasoned on
> the trail.  Does this sound like a reasonable progression?
> m (aka Michelle Rowe)
> Colorado
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