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Re: RC: Howard's big picture
At 12:38 PM 3/23/00 EST, Tivers@aol.com wrote:
>In a message dated 3/23/00 6:19:08 AM Pacific Standard Time,
>teddy@runningbear.com writes:
><< OK, I ask now about truth and facts.... GOD!!! Where is the proof? What
> are the facts? IMO, there are NONE, therefore atheism or love of GOD has
> NOT ONE thing to do with what happened to Howard and Dance Line or many
> others out there.
>My reference to God was not religious--I am not religious. You can
>"Mother Nature", "Master of the Universe", "DNA", "The Great Doorknob in the
>Sky" for God in my post.
There's some things you just can't measure. There's no proving religeon
one way or another. You can't prove God exists, you can't prove God
doesn't exist. You can't prove rigorously that the law of karma exists.
And so on, with all the rest of the religeons. It is, however, a constant
that every known society has invented some sort of religeon or another, so
people must feel like they need it, or they always seem to percieve that it
is there. I know what I believe, but everyone else is free to think
whatever they like, whether that be one religeon or another, or even no
religeon at all. I think maybe we ought to back off on this topic - they
don't call heated debates based on emotion "religeous issues" on the net
for no reason.
David LeBlanc
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