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This thread reminds me again how fortunate we are at our barn. I've
been using the same farrier for 20 years; my friend who owns the barn
has been using him since he started about 30 years ago. He loves the
horses (he's quite fond of mine especially and the feeling is mutual),
and wants to do whatever is within his power to make sure they stay as
sound and comfortable as possible. We rarely lose a shoe, at least
after Akela's first year of shoeing when he thought it was fun to pull
them off in the fence a day or 2 later, but that's a whole other story.
Bill is very willing to answer questions and listen to ideas and do
whatever it takes even if it's a pain in the butt. He's also a riot to
talk to so shoeing day is a blast, especially if there are no kids
around as the conversation can get pretty bizarre.
In return we make sure he knows that he is appreciated. As well as
prompt payment, we make sure that the horses are in and brushed, hold
the tails to keep him from getting smacked in the face, and do anything
we can to make sure his job is no harder than it has to be. He's not
cheap; the going rate around here is $90 for new shoes all around and I
very rarely manage a reset (pavement to and from the trails and some
gravel on them). But he is worth every penny. My friend who owns the
barn has a cousin that is apprenticing with him, but unfortunately he'll
never be the farrier that Bill is. Not the right attitude; he's in it
for the money and not as attentive to detail. though he's young yet so
he could change with maturity. But if Bill were ever to retire, I know
I would haul my horse to a friend a couple of hours away before I'd deal
with anyone else locally.
So there are great, concerned farriers out there who aren't egotists.
To everyone who's still looking for one of them, good luck! If my knees
and wrist weren't shot I'd seriously consider it myself...
Mickie and Akela (Ohio)
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