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hx of cribber

Image had surgery at MSU for a laceration  behind right front fetlock, ended up he lacerated two ateries. Got him to state ok (1 1/2 hour drive), and had them do exporatory surgery to assure he hadn't involved any other structures. He was three at the time and I wouldn't have started him in distance til I knew. He was at msu for 10 days, them stalled at home for 6 weeks. allowed tobe hand walked four weeks postop. That is when he started cribbing, I believe out of boredom and for pain relief. Sucing  wind and cribbing can release endorphins into the blood stream- natural pain killers- producing somewhat of a buzz. And he has been doing it ever since, even with miracle collar. It helped at first. Thank you!!!!! Montie schutz

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