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research at Biltmore?
Gayle Ecker caspian_uph@hotmail.com
Dear Riders,
I have received many letters from people interested in doing
the performance profiling at the Biltmore. It is great to
see the support and also for so many people who are interested
in learning more about managing their horse for top performance.
I need to clear up
a few miscommunication threads. We have not determined that we
definately able to do this yet. I have a conflict with a conference
that is held at the same time and Kentucky and there are several
other logistical things to work out as well. If you are interested
in doing the performance profiling at the Biltmore, please do let me
know and I can contact you directly once we find out if we can in
fact do this. Or if there are other rides in the northeast area where
there would be a group of riders interested from late May onwards then
then please let me know as well, as we may be able to work something
out. The performance profiling would work best as a training camp
approach so that we can spend more time with riders going over
the results one-on-one, but it certainly can be done at a ride
as well. If you are interested in learning more, do not hesitate to
contact me. But beware, after Trish Dowling forced me into riding
one of these events in Saskatoon, I've been spoiled! I'd rather ride
than do research!
All the best for a successful season,
Gayle Ecker
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