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Attn. FL: Shirley Drinkard Passes
Jean Wonser cpfjean@bellsouth.net
Longtime Endurance supporter (co manager Grassy Island,
Panther Run, Osceola) and co manager Shirley Drinkard
passed to greener pastures yesterday. She was coming
out of heart valve repair at Shands in Gainesville
when her heart apparently rebelled and quit.
Daughter Tisha Swift just called me and that is about
all I know. Husband Robert will probably be distraught
and not answering the phone so cards will be best.
Robert Drinkard, rt. 2 box 387, Lake City FL 32055
Anyone prefering to email may send to me and I will print
out and hand carry to Robert possibly tomorrow afternoon EST.
This is a couple that have supported Endurance in FL since
the first l983 competitions in St. Lucie County, working
diligently behind the scenes--through the Osceola
competitions of 2000. Please give Robert your prayers
and contact.
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