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Coping with ticks
thought I would post the results back to the list, as its clear that I am
not the only one trying to eradicate ticks.
On a long term, successful remedies include:
feeding cider vinegar
feeding garlic
feeding diatomaceous earth
In the short term,
Dr. Scott Haskell recommended Frontline which he says is available in a pump
spray bottle. Treat the whole horse every two weeks.
Some ridecampers had successs spraying the inside of the horseblankets with
various commerical dog tick repellant/kill sprays.
Another person had her vet recommend dusting the horse's tail and mane and
legs with Sevin dust. (MHO Sevin dust is a pretty heavy duty pesticide and I
have reservations about using this more than once.)
http://www.dirtdoctor.com is a site for organic methods of control
treating the paddock with diatomaceous earth.
I'm going to start with Frontline and the DE as well as adding cider vinegar
to their diets, which I was thinking about doing anyway. Thanks to everyone
who replied. As always Ridecampers are a wealth of information!
Alison Farrin
Innovative Pension Strategy & Design
858-451-9594 x 107
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