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Electric Fencing

Have any of you tried the CANADIAN fencing called Electro Braid
(  This is a highly visible, resilient electric cord
with copper running through it.  A lot of people in Fla are using it and,
of course, a lot of Canadians.  We live in the bush inthe mountains and
have used it running through the bush, up hill and down gullies.  It is
very easy to install, about 50% less expensive than board fencing.  You can
just use the conductors nailed into trees.  If you have to put fence posts
in you can go 100" between posts. We only used one strand with one
lodgepole pine rail underneath it.  The horses won't go near it - it throws
off an electromagnetic field about 2' in diameter.  They won't even graze
under it!  We highly recommend it.  They are testing in around the airport
in I think Little Rock to keep the deer off.  They use it here in the
Okanagan and in other fruit producing areas to keep deer out of orchards. 
Amazing stuff.
(I should get a commission!)

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