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RE: Fw: WARNING from Center of Disease Control....HOAX


Please, before you forward on something like this, check with


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2000 1:16 AM
To: Sheila Cabral
Subject: RC: Fw: WARNING from Center of Disease Control....NO JOKE

Subject: WARNING from Center of Disease Control....NO JOKE

Subject: FW: Not a joke - read (Center of Disease Control)]]
> > >> I'm passing this along because it sounds really scary, and comes from
a reliable source.  Debbie C.
> > >>> Subject: Not a joke - read (Center of Disease Control)]]
> > >>> Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 14:19:44 -0500
> > >>>> My husband works at Merck's research facility and this warning was
sent  to them  and has been validated by the Center for Disease Control. I
thought I should pass it along to you...
> > >>>> Date:       02/15/2000 10:13 AM
> > >>>>
> > >>>> Please forward to everyone you love!!
> > >>>>> I have checked the source and it is VALIDATED FROM THE CDC.
> > >>>>> (center for disease control in atlanta georgia)
> > >>>>> Warning:
> > >>>>> Several shipments of bananas from Costa Rica have been infected
with necrotizing fasciitis, otherwise known as flesh
 eating  bacteria.  Recently this disease has decimated the monkey
> > > population  in Costa Rica. We are now just learning that the disease
has been able to graft itself to the skin of fruits in the region, most
notably the Banana  which is Costa Rica's largest export.  Until this
finding scientist  were not sure how the infection was being transmitted.
It is advised not to purchase Bananas for the next three weeks as this is
the period of time for which bananas that have been shipped to the US with
the possibility of carrying this disease. If you have eaten a banana in the
last 2-3 days and come down with a fever followed by a skin infection seek
"Medical Attention"!!! The skin infection from necrotizing fasciitis is very
painful and eats two to three centimeters of flesh per hour. Amputation is
likely,death is possible.
> > >>>>> If you are more than an hour from a medical center,  burning the
flesh ahead of  the infected area is advised to help slow the spread of  the
infection.   The FDA  has been reluctant to issue a country wide warning
because of fear nationwide panic. They have secretly admitted that they feel
upwards of 15,000 Americans will be affected by this but that these are
acceptable numbers.   Please forward this to as many people you care about
as possible as we do not feel 15,000 people is an acceptable number.
 Manheim Research Institute
 Center for Disease Control
 Atlanta Georgia

> > >>>> ------- End of Forwarded Message
> > >>>> ------- End of Forwarded Message
> > >>>> Judy Whiteside
> > >>>> Oak Ridge National Laboratory
> > >>>> Physics Division
> > >>>> Bethel Valley Rd
> > >>>> Bldg.6000 Rm M204 MS-6371
> > >>>> Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6371
> > >>>> Ph: 423/574-4744  Fax: 423/574-1268
> > >>>>
> > >>>> <>

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