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Re: Email Message
Thank you so much for your efforts.
At 08:45 AM 3/17/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>Good Morning
>In reply to your fax, unfortunately there is nothing I can do. All of our
individual e-mail addresses for security reasons have security codes. I
have advised Wayne by fax of the problem.
>Kerry Egan
>>>> Liz Newfield <lizfield@jeffnet.org> 3/16/00 7:59:59 PM >>>
>Are you aware that it appears that when Wayne went off on vacation, he set
>up his email to notify people of his absence. This would normally be OK
>but he subscribes to RideCamp (ridecamp@endurance.net) which automatically
>forwards email to hundreds of horse enthusiasts. The effect is that every
>time someone sends an email to RideCamp, he or she gets the vacation
>message from Wayne. I don't know if there is anything that you can do to
>get on his computer teimporarily suspend his subscription.
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