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---- End included message ----Title: ACTION ALERT - Support for SB 1809
- To: "Tom Thomason" <>, "vickie touchstone" <>, <>, "Toby & Katie Horst" <>, "Steve Shaw" <>, "Shelley Davis" <>, "'RTA: Barbara Jenkins'" <>, "Rob Langsdorf" <>, "peter Parkins" <>, "pete spencer" <>, "patrick ball" <>, "Neil Sims" <>, "Nancy Dupont" <>, "Mylon Filkins" <>, "Mike-Sharon Stephenson" <>, "Maryanne Vancio" <>, "Lisa Ale" <>, <>, "'Kit Kesigner'" <>, "Kandhy Franklin Collins" <>, "John Elliott" <>, "John and Arvie deganfelder" <>, "Joel Levin" <>, "Joan Chitiea" <>, "Jean Dan McKay" <>, "Jean & Dave Smart" <>, "Jason Lopez" <>, "Janine Wilder" <>, "janette McGarvie" <>, "J. Benke" <>, <>, <>, "Horse Law News S. Tozzini" <>, "granola" <>, "Glenn Kirby" <>, "gary Hill" <>, "Gail W. Hanna" <>, "ernst meissner" <>, "Eric Muhler" <>, "endofroadranch" <>, "Dorothy smith" <>, "don and carol McNeil" <>, "Doc York" <>, "Dennis Serpa" <>, "Deborah Stevens" <>, "Dave Shaffer" <>, "Darah eisele" <>, "daniel greenstadt" <>, "Corky Layne" <>, "Connie B Berto" <>, "Circle S Ranch" <>, "Chuck Pullen" <>, "Chreryl Wegner" <>, "Charles H. Wood" <>, "Candace Ricks" <>, "C J Hargreaves" <>, "Bonnie Salbach" <>, <>, "Blue Ribbon Coalition" <>, "bill browning" <>, "Bill Bishop" <>, "Bay State Trailriders" <>, "Barbara Weitz" <>, "Barbara Gronek" <>, "Barbara Ferguson" <>, <>, "B.E. Jackson" <>, "American Trails" <>, "allie heary" <>, "alison renke" <>, "Alice Quinn" <>, "Alan Hill" <>, "Adda Quinn" <>
- Subject: Fw: ACTION ALERT - Support for SB 1809
- From: "Robert & Kathleen" <>
- Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 19:09:12 -0800
----- Original Message -----From: Laura CohenSent: Thursday, March 16, 2000 6:42 PMSubject: ACTION ALERT - Support for SB 1809ACTION ALERT FOR SB 1809
The Balanced Transportation for Livable Communities Act
WHAT: We need your support letters to help pass SB 1809 (Johnston), the Balanced Transportation for Livable Communities bill, which is endorsed by Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, the California Bicycle Coalition, the Surface Transportation Policy Project, and a growing coalition of safety, health, conservation, bike and pedestrian, clean water, historic preservation and other public interest organizations. A summary of the bill and a sample letter is attached below.
WHEN: DEADLINE IS MARCH 31. The bill will be heard in Senate Transportation Committee on April 4, so letters need to be received by the Committee by March 31 to insure that your support will be noted in the Committee Analysis.
WHY: Passage of this bill will mean $18-20 million per year of additional funding for the Transportation Enhancements Activities (TEA) program, which helps create more livable communities by creating more transportation choices; preserving community character; reducing the adverse environmental impacts of road and highway infrastructure; and making our streets safer for cyclists and pedestrians. The TEA program:
* revitalizes downtown pedestrian areas and keeps local businesses thriving;
* encourages biking, walking and access to transit;
* preserves community character and a sense of place.
WHO: Send a letter to your State Senator, your Assemblymember, and to the bill's author, Senator Patrick Johnston (he does not release his fax number, so you need to mail the letter to: Sen. Patrick Johnston, State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814). Also, be sure to copy your letter to the following:
-- Senator Betty Karnette, Chair, Transportation Committee (fax: 916-445-2209)
-- Laura Cohen, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (fax: 415-397-2228)Thank you, and please feel free to contact me if you would like additional information. (Bill Summary and Sample Letter attached below.)
Laura Cohen
California Policy Director
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
26 O'Farrell Street, Suite 400
San Francisco, CA 94108
ph: 415-397-2220
Balanced Transportation for Livable Communities Act of 2000
SB 1809 by Sen. Patrick Johnston
The purpose of the Balanced Transportation for Livable Communities Act of 2000 is to insure that California's transportation investments will create a balanced, multi-modal system that gives travelers choices, and improves the livability of our communities. This bill increases funding for the Transportation Enhancements Activities (TEA) program of TEA-21 by allocating to the TEA program some funds from another TEA-21 called Minimum Guarantee.
The Balanced Transportation for Livable Communities Act raises no new taxes and imposes no new mandates on local governments. It simply directs a small portion of federal transportation funds and designates them for Transportation Enhancement projects such as revitalizing downtown pedestrian streetscapes; improving bike and pedestrian facilities and access to transit; restoring historic train depots for transportation use; and preserving scenic lands along highways.
The major goals of this bill are to significantly improve community livability by creating more transportation choices; preserving community character; reducing the adverse environmental impacts of road and highway infrastructure; and improving bike and pedestrian safety. The lack of safe facilities has contributed to the sharp decrease in bicycling and walking, particularly among children. This legislation will fund facilities and education programs that will encourage walking and bicycling to school, work and shopping. It also puts more decision-making power in the hands of local officials.
There is precedent for allocating a portion of Minimum Guarantee for the TEA program. Minimum Guarantee is the consolidation of five separate equity programs in ISTEA, predecessor to TEA-21. Of those five programs, three had mandatory apportionments for TEA. These apportionments were unfortunately not carried over into TEA-21. The Balanced Transportation for Livable Communities Act will restore, with a modest increase, the allocation from Minimum Guarantee to TEA.
At a time when the Legislature and the Governor are proposing significant improvements to transportation infrastructure to meet the needs of a burgeoning population, it is important to direct a modest increase in transportation spending towards TEA projects. The solution to increasing mobility, while reducing gridlock and environmental pollution, must necessarily be a multi-pronged strategy designed to give travelers multiple options. California needs a "balanced portfolio" of transportation investments.
RE: SB 1809 -- SUPPORTSen. XX
State Capitol
Sacramento, CA 95814Dear Senator XX:
We are writing in support of SB 1809, the Balanced Transportation for Livable Communities Act (Johnston).
We support the goals of this bill which are to [EMPHASIZE THE AREAS THAT ARE MOST RELEVANT TO YOUR GROUP OR DISTRICT:
-- improve community quality of life by creating more transportation choices, including trails, bikeways and appealing pedestrian environments;-- acquire and protect scenic lands;
-- reduce the environmental damage caused by roads and highways, and provide for safe wildlife crossings;
-- preserve historic transportation sites and facilities;
-- support local business by revitalizing downtown pedestrian streetscapes;
-- improve bike and pedestrian safetyThis legislation will help us fund valuable, community-oriented projects here in our City, such as the X project [INSERT DESCRIPTION OF A PROJECT THAT DID OR COULD RECEIVE TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS FUNDING].
We respectfully request that you support SB 1809 when it comes before you.
XXCc Senator Betty Karnette, Chair, Senate Transportation Committee (fax: 916-445-2209)
Bcc Laura Cohen, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (fax: 415-397-2228)
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