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Re: horse slaughter
In a message dated 03/16/2000 7:41:45 AM Pacific Standard Time,
KDykes@cpes.com writes:
<< Selling the horses to slaughter has nothing to do with giving the owners a
sense of "closure" -- it's pure and simple a financial motivation. Ten or
fifteen years from now (if your lucky and keep her that long), when it's
time to give up your new horse because she can no longer keep up the pace,
I'd like to check in with you and find out if you still think it's okay to
send your companion to the slaughterhouse where they face indescribable
terror as they are bashed in the head and hung from their hind leg --
alive -- while their throat is cut and they bleed to death. >>
I am really sorry that I was unclear. Reading your reply has almost made me
cry. I would NEVER send any horse to be slaughtered. I was just saying that
once the horse has been euthanized, it is up to the owner to decide if the
horse should be sent to a rendering plant (I think that's the right word) or
buried or cremated. I didn't mean that people should send their horses to
the slaughter house. I think this would be such a horrible way for a horse
to end its life and I am absolutely, 100% against saying goodbye to a horse
by loading him up on a truck and sending him on his way to the slaughter house
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