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Re: RC: RE: Re: Horse slaughter
In a message dated 3/16/00 11:27:00 AM Pacific Standard Time,
bobmorris@rmci.net writes:
<< Consider your horse in agony from one of several diseases and suffering.
as you do not want to treat it as an animal and shoot it or slaughter it,
you care for it as a loving relative would for their kin.
You plug in all the tubes, you feed it drugs, you administer intravenous
feedings, you give it oxygen to help breathing, you do every thing except
let it die peacefully with respect.
Oh well, you are just being respectful and caring. >>
Unfortunately, I've seen that happen far too often even with animals in this
day and age. I sure hope the owners in those cases got lots of warm fuzzies,
because the animals sure didn't. Yes, when my end comes, I would gladly
trade places with the beloved old horse on the ranch of any kind and caring
old-style rancher who can accurately aim his gun. I wouldn't mind the
captive bolt route, but I doubt that my carcass will have much value, so it
likely isn't worth making the effort--more old ranchers have guns than have
captive bolts.
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