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Re: RC: Re: Re: And so it goes....
In a message dated 3/16/00 7:23:39 AM Pacific Standard Time,
owensall@sierranet.net writes:
<< I realized just how lucky I am to live in a
place where people cannot legally bother me with their second hand smoke!
I am just now getting over the sore throat and cough that I acquired from
just walking through the casinos. Every night I had to wash my hair before
I could even sleep, as the smoke stench was so horrible.
Yes, in spite of the darn liberal wacko laws that prevent personal freedom,
I am glad for that one!
Katee >>
Sounds a little anal retentive to me. California may be the stinkingest state
in the union. The pollution has now made its way all the way down the coast
from LA to San Diego. And the stench of liberal politics emanating from the
golden state has permeated the whole country--you can't wash that out.
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