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Re: RC: RE: horse slaughter
In a message dated 3/16/00 7:43:09 AM Pacific Standard Time, KDykes@cpes.com
<< Have you
witnessed the death of these animals in this situation? They are pushed
down a chute, bashed in the head with a captive-bolt, sometimes several
times when they miss the first time, drop to the floor where they are then
hoisted by a hind leg into the air alive, and their throat cut. THAT is
what happens to these "companions" who are no longer useful. >>
Having been on a kill floor of a horse slaughter plant on multiple occasions,
I can assure you that the above is NOT a particularly accurate picture. The
horses DO go down a chute--they usually go quite peacefully, unless there is
a particularly unruly one in the bunch. Usually, if the crew knows they have
an unruly horse, they send him down the chute by himself so he does not upset
the routine. The act of going down a chute is not a particularly odious
activity for a horse, if it is done properly. Many large farms utilize
chutes for handling large numbers of broodmares and youngsters routinely.
In reputable plants, the people running the captive bolt RARELY miss--and
when they do, it is usually because of a particularly unruly horse. (And
quite frankly, I've euthanized similar horses that had to be trucked to a
bucking chute and restrained with ropes so that a person could safely get a
needle in the vein--so not much different, really.)
Once a horse has had a captive bolt go into his brain, he is DEAD. His heart
will continue to beat for a few minutes and his diaphragm will contract a few
more times--this will happen with chemical euthanasia or gunshot to the
brain, too. I have followed heartbeats on horses who are brain dead from
chemical euthanasia (NO eye reflex, etc.) for a minute or more. The
slaughter process takes advantage of this, and hoists the horse immediately
following death by captive bolt so that the agonal beating of the heart will
assist in the bleed-out process. The horse DOES NOT feel this phenomenon.
It is no less humane than if one left him lying on the floor until the heart
stopped and THEN hoisted him--so why risk a decline in quality of meat?
This is EXACTLY the same process which cattle undergo for slaughter.
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