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bridle path
While we are on the subject of hair, I have a question
about bridle paths. Since I am just now learning the
Arab ways and politically correct miscellanous ways
associated with Arabs, I have a question. Do you all
trim bridle paths on Arabs? I have a gut feeling the
answer is no. Always did on the OTHER trails horses
that we have, but seems to me like when I see an
Arabian he/she is al la naturalle. I just know that
when I put her bridle on she gets disgusted with me
when I get her long hair tangled up in it and it seems
like a bridle path is the answer, HOWEVER, I don't
want her to be some geek or freak o'nature out there
on the trail because my girl is the only Arab with a
bridle path. So, I want the truth here, spare me my
(her) feelings. LOL Thanks!
Terri & Starlit
Trinity Oaks Farm
Home of many gaited horses and mommy's Princess -
(I love to see my husband, Mr. Cowboy, gag when I call
her my Princess)
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