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Entries to Nat. Championship

We are in the process of putting the "final touches" on the entry forms
for the national championship ride in August.  The requirement is that
participants must enter within 30 days of qualifying.  Obviously, since
we don't have the entry forms out to those who have already qualified,
this period in which to enter will be extended to those riders who have
already qualified..

The way it is set up is that riders will be required to enter within 30
days of qualifying.  After a couple of weeks from now, the ride managers
who are hosting the qualifying rides will all have a supply of the entry
forms and these entry forms can be obtained at the qualifying rides.

Riders will be required to pay half of the entry fee when they submit
their entry.  By July 1,. those entered will be required to pay the
balance or withdraw their entry.  So long as the riders withdraw prior
to July 1, riders will receive a full refund.  Those riders who have
paid the the balance of the entry fees and cancel less than 30 days will
be refunded their entry fee (minus $10).   For those riders who qualify
two different horses, they must submit an entry for each horse, but only
need to send the fees for the first horse.

I will be sending ride entries to all those who have already qualified
in the next couple of weeks and the riders will have two weeks from that
time to submit their entries.

If you have any questions, please contact me.  I will be gone to the
Renegade ride next week so will not be available until after that time.

Terry Woolley Howe
Chairman, Competitions Committee

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