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Re: RC: Advice on clipping
At 10:42 PM 03/15/2000 -0500, MBlanchrd@aol.com wrote:
>So....does anyone know of a less objectionable substance I can use to cool
>the clippers? Something a little more environmentally and mammalian friendly??
Time. Do the clip job in stages.
I start with the horses back, then do the sides and belly. By the time the
clipper get warm the ticklish spots are already done. I usually need a
break myself, and so does the horse so after doing the back, sides and
belly I usually take a break and go get something to eat or else take the
horse on a walk. That way the clippers get a break and a chance to cool
off and my back gets a chance to recover :).
I currently have 2 horses in various stages of full body clips. One horse
has everything done except the lower part of his hind legs. The other
horse has everything done except his head and lower legs. I use the big
variable speed ones from Oster (165?) that take two hands to hold so it can
be a little tricky doing all the little grooves and dents on their head and
around their ears, and I have to balance their hooves up on a shelf in
order to do their legs. I use the Kool-lube too, but haven't ever noticed
it leaving a residue on the horse - haven't noticed it smelling
either. Maybe because it's 15+ years old? <g>
I asked the neighbor the other day if he was going to laugh at my partially
clipped horse - the chestnut one with everything done except his hind legs,
and he laughs and says "no, it just looks like he has pants on". I love
clipping the chestnut horse because after he's clipped he shines like a
brand new copper penny in a couple of hours, (except that he is no longer
copper, more like palomino!) what a change from the thick fuzzy winter coat
he's been rolling in the mud with all winter long! :P
Happy Trails,
in NV
& Rocky, 2,410 miles
& Weaver, 3,205 miles
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