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Re: Bum knees and joint lubes

I guess I'm a tree hugger too.  But,  what is with this PETA group!!!  Beer is better for you than milk!!!??!!?  I dont drink milk, however,  what do these people think would happen to cattle and / or dairy cows if we all became vegetarians and stopped drinking milk and eating cheese??  I see endangered species list.  I dread the time that they get on us again.  Endurance riding took a spanking from the likes of them a few years back.  I guess if all of the meat animals we eat were to disappear because of them, then , we would have to eat PETAs!!  gesa n clovis n sky
-----Original Message-----
From: Lif Strand <>
To: Ridecamp <>
Date: Monday, March 13, 2000 5:34 PM
Subject: RC: Bum knees and joint lubes

At 11:41 AM 3/13/00 -0800, Carla wrote:
anyone out there taking shark cartilage?

Of course with shark cartilage, sharks have to die for the comfort and rehabilitation of our joints.  I have a problem with that, especially when there's alternatives that don't require the decimation of species of critters.  Gotta draw the line somewhere.  Just call me a tree hugger - Lif

Lif & Paul Strand
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