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Re: RC: teeth
Renee Been wrote:
> Hi---I recently took two of my horses to a dental clinic at a local bording
> stable. A vet and a dental expert/technician worked together the whole
> day---The dental tech was Todd Williams who flew in from Canada (I'm in NO
> CA). So we had to pay his traveling expenses also. Both of the mares
> needed tranqs. ONe never did calm down enough for the dentist to use the
> "power tools" on despite two mega doses----the dentist had to do her by
> hand. Both my mares had had routine floating on a yearly basis, but yet the
> dentist said that they were both in dire need. One mare had zero occlusion
> with her molars and all front teeth had to be trimmed down. Both of my
> mares had wolf teeth---one was a real mess. The vet was also an
> acupunturist---she put a needle in one of my mares ears to help her relax.
> All to the tune of $750 ouch----Todd will come back in 8 mo to tune them
> up. renee b.
Wow! Somebody saw you comming! I have a person that worked on my horses.
He did dental and adjusted them and it didn't cost anywhere near what
you paid. I also had two horses done. This guy is very good. In fact he
works on Robert Redfords horses. If you want his number I can e-mail it
to you. By the way, he is not a vet but he went to school to learn the
dental and adjusting. He worked with Dr Deb Bennent. Julie
- References:
- teeth
- From: renee@dnai.com (Renee Been)
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