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virus alert

A friend sent this to me-I couldn't find 'Prettypark' in my files but have run the program to remove it.  Don't know if you have it and don't know what 'Prettypark' does-didn't mention anything on the web site. 
Mary Lynn
Some of you may know I was a Canadian,  One of my relatives may have sent me
a virus without knowing it.

This is important please read this and follow the instructions now.

Earlier someone sent me a program called prettypark.exe or something similar,
You ALL may have received this file.  When you attempt to open this program
you will have noticed nothing happened. Well, so it seemed.  However it emails
itself to every in your email address book.  This is a Virus and Guelph
University has released a file to remove and correct the damage it has
A relative sent me the site and fix, and I am forwarding the fix to all of

Follow the programs instructions when ran .. Before
running delete the prettypark email file from your computer (including
in your delete box ) ....It can't do any thing if you don't open it ..
however to avoid future problems jus remove it :).. Also close any and all
programs then load this (this e-mail file doesn't matter ).  You can run this
file I am sending and it will ask to add a file to your computer. allow
it. It will shut your computer down and reload it ... when reloaded it
will remove the virus. 
Sorry for the inconvience ..  .

For more information on this virus visit the Guelph home page at

Sorry:   Michael_____________________________________________

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