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50's with a 1st year horse
Hello ridecampers!!!! I hope all of you are doing well and haven't been
cooped up too much, waiting for the rain to stop. We got a couple nice days
this weekend and that was really nice. I haven't asked a "real" question for
a while, only because I didn't have a real question...and I didn't want to
continue pestering everyone with my dumb, "not real" questions...
so, now I have a question...and I know each and every one of you are holding
your breath, waiting with your eyes wide open...yeah right...
anyways, getting to the point here..
What are your opinions on doing 50's on a first year horse. Meaning, do
you think that it is best to start with 25's/30's (lets just say limited
distance...and by the way, I really hope this doesn't go against any ridecamp
rules) and then do 50's later?? or do you think that it is fine to start a
horse out with 50's??? Now, I know that it all depends on the horse's
condition....but is it better to condition a horse with the idea of doing
50's or should a 1st year horse only be ridden as if 25's/30's are the only
As you all know, I think, I have a 6 year old mare. She did one 25 when
she was 4 and 1/2...and has been ridden quite a bit since then, but not on
extremely hard rides. She is pretty good about trails these days...she
really likes it...so, I guess I'm just wondering if I should "limit" our
rides to limited distance or should I expect that she should be able to
handle longer rides????
thank you for all of your opinions!!!! Even though each one is different
<<g>>, they all provide lots of helpful information!
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