Trail Constuction issues
Hi folks,
I received a message this morning from my friends in the Va. State Park's
office with regard to multi-use trail construction for a new 21-mile linear
trail that is under development, and will hopefully connect a state park
with a civil war battlefield. Their issue is coming up with suitable creek
crossing preparation that will be approved by the Army Corp of Engineers.
The area has highly erodable soils, ditch lines and streams. It is a small
watershed but is on a flood plain. The local saddle club is highly involved
in the scoping of the trails and providing labor.
Deidre's message to me states: " I'm particularly interersted in crossings
that have required Army Corps of Engineers approval. We're currently
working with a group in Halifax County that wants to develop a trail across
Corps property. The area is within the annual flood plain of the Staunton
River and includes some wetlands, along with numerous small stream &
drainage ditch crossings. I've come up with some ideas for hardened
crossings, but I'd like information on practices that have demonstrated
staying power in the field."
If any of you have any suggestions I can pass on please let me know.
Sally Aungier
Va. Horse Council, Trails Committee
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