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Re: RC: Re: Fly repellant

In a message dated 3/11/00 11:56:51 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< Okay, good ~ so sulfur salt blocks are fine for horses, and repel insects? 
 wonder why they are marketed just for cattle? Is there anything else in them
 horse owners should be concerned about? >>

Depends on the block.  Check the list of ingredients, and if in doubt, 
discuss it with a nutritionist and/or your veterinarian.  Sulfur is more 
often added to cattle rations because of the fact that they have their 
"bacterial vat" on the front end of the digestive tract rather than the rear, 
hence their rumen bacteria can manufacture necessary proteins out of 
elemental building blocks to some degree.  Sulfur is an important component 
of some amino acids, and some bacteria have the metabolic pathways to alter 
other amino acids into the sulfur-bearing ones, given the necessary raw 

Also be cautious if you are in a selenium deficient area, as sulfur can 
inhibit the uptake of selenium, making a deficiency even more profound.


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