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Re: It's not an arab thing
Dear All;
I share the fascination you all do in watching horses stretch, itch behind
their ears, and all. There are two I've seen that haven't been mentioned
yet, tho.
The first is one my littlest arab gelding does...he is short with a short
neck, and he stretches a dancer's stretch: lifts his poll, straight up into
the air, as high as he can, tucks his chin and looks like the Bucephalus
figurine in "Black Stallion".
The second one that sticks in my memory banks is when my first endurance
horse, Chico, a large, black non-arab, stretched with his front feet on my
trailer's fender, first forward then back, then gently got back down, before
competing in the Lakeside ride one year. He went on to finish his first and
only top ten placing, sixth place! This was in the early 80's, and I have
never seen another do this.
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