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Re: RC: Easyboots - Argh!

In a message dated 03/07/2000 7:58:15 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< Anybody have any good techniques for getting these suckers OFF??  I
 got it on just fine, but the farrier had to get it off, and he used a
 big screwdriver.  I tried this, but stopped when I realized that by
 levering it off with a screwdriver, I was using Zane's frog as the
 fulcrum.  Ouch.  The farrier did the same thing, but he did it
 quicker.  I could tell it still hurt though.  How do you guys get
 these things off? >>

You do use a large screwdriver, but you pry the "teeth" on the sides away 
from the hoof wall, not lever the boot by the screwdriver on the frog.  You 
have to release those teeth first before the boot will loosen its grip.


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