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Fwd: horses

Would anyone like some help?   Pamela Burton

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Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to enquire about Ranches or Farms in
the USA.

I am a twenty-years-old Polish student who loves
horses and knows how to take care of them. I have been
riding horses for two years and I would like to get as
much experience as possible. I am plannig to spend
this summer holiday (July - October) in the USA and I
am looking for a place where I could help to take care
of horses for a modest place to sleep and a small
amount of money. I could work in the stable or do any
similar and available job. I already have an American
Are there any oppotunities for me to work at your
place? If not, I would be greateful if you could give
me any advice where I could work with horses in the
USA. Do you have any addresses (postal, e-mail) places
where I could write and ask?
Thank you in advance.
Yours sincerely,
Ania Kosiel.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

from: Iglak              
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