
Kenna wrote:

Winner after Winner! That's what we Bring to our Readers!

What happens when that perfect small cap issue releases astounding news
and gets a massive PR campaign behind it? It Takes Off!!!

Irwin Resources (IWRS)
Last $0.50
Target $1.50

Do not miss this one. These small caps Really Fly when people take
notice, and Believe us they are going to take notice this Wednesday!

They are very busy right now.
It is total hell if you have to solve a system down at a customers site.
I realize he doesn't write the software.
Shrink your swap file size.
They are not fixing the major problem which appears to be their software people.
Memory leaks that might be caused by running larger tournaments.
My suggestion is to run a test major tournament using BOTS and SUT.
I realize he doesn't write the software.
Bad publicity can be a powerful thing especially when there are multiple complainers as in this case.
Where do I get my experience to make such suggestions?
He is, unless I'm mistaken,the paid host.
He is, unless I'm mistaken,the paid host.